Friday, 18 December 2020

Children's Christmas Gift Guide 2020

Children's Christmas Gift Guide 2020
Last but certainly not least - it's time for my 2020 Children's Christmas Guide! Christmas is truly the most magical time of the year, and it's even more magical for children! With the excitement of Father Christmas, the presents under the tree, finding out if your on Santa's nice o…

Teen's Chirstmas Gift Guide 2020

Teen's Chirstmas Gift Guide 2020
Tweens and Teenagers have to be one of the hardest year groups to buy for. They are at the age and stage where they don't want toys, but they're too young for 'young adult' based items. It's during our teenage years that we usually discover our real selves, our interests, likes…

Thursday, 17 December 2020

For Her Christmas Gift Guide 2020

For Her Christmas Gift Guide 2020
It's well known that mums of the household, and women of the household are usually the ones who sort Christmas out. From list writing to gift buying and present wrapping - females are usually the ones who play the role of Santa Claus, so what can we gift them, to show them how loved and appreci…

For Him Christmas Gift Guide 2020

For Him Christmas Gift Guide 2020
Every year - without fail, my dad sends a small reminder that all he wants for Christmas is a pair of socks! My dad has six children, and nine grandchildren, so as you can imagine, he ends up with a whole bag full of socks! Whilst you can't go wrong with a trusty pair or even pack of socks, it&…

Foodies Christmas Gift Guide 2020

Foodies Christmas Gift Guide 2020
One of my favourite things about Christmas is the food! Come on, who wouldn't agree? When else can we eat chocolate every single day of the month (advent calendars), and scoff our faces in tubs of Christmas chocolates without feeling guilty? Let's not forget the turkey and all the trimmings…

Wednesday, 16 December 2020

Couples Christmas Gift Guide 2020

Couples Christmas Gift Guide 2020
Buying Christmas presents for individuals can be hard enough and quite time consuming but what about when it comes to couples/joint gifts? When it comes to engagements and anniversaries, finding joint gifts can be a walk in the park, but with Christmas, it's a whole other story!  Disclaimer: All…

Dog's Christmas Gift Guide 2020

Dog's Christmas Gift Guide 2020
I know it makes some people cringe, when humans refer to their pets as their fur-babies, but  I'll be the first to hold my hands up, and admit - my dog is my fur baby. He is, without a doubt my second child, and is very much an equal part of the family - we include him in everything we celebrate…

Tuesday, 15 December 2020

Vegan Christmas Gift Guide 2020

Vegan Christmas Gift Guide 2020
Plant-based diets and Veganism are on the rise more than ever, with  animal welfare,  allergies, weight management, diet trends and environmental concerns being the main reason behind the decision to go green. Last year, with the number of people  claiming to be vegan soaring by 62%, the total number …