Last but certainly not least - it's time for my 2020 Children's Christmas Guide! Christmas is truly the most magical time of the year, and it's even more magical for children! With the excitement of Father Christmas, the presents under the tree, finding out if your on Santa's nice o…
Friday, 18 December 2020
Teen's Chirstmas Gift Guide 2020
Tweens and Teenagers have to be one of the hardest year groups to buy for. They are at the age and stage where they don't want toys, but they're too young for 'young adult' based items. It's during our teenage years that we usually discover our real selves, our interests, likes…
Thursday, 17 December 2020
For Her Christmas Gift Guide 2020
It's well known that mums of the household, and women of the household are usually the ones who sort Christmas out. From list writing to gift buying and present wrapping - females are usually the ones who play the role of Santa Claus, so what can we gift them, to show them how loved and appreci…
For Him Christmas Gift Guide 2020
Every year - without fail, my dad sends a small reminder that all he wants for Christmas is a pair of socks! My dad has six children, and nine grandchildren, so as you can imagine, he ends up with a whole bag full of socks! Whilst you can't go wrong with a trusty pair or even pack of socks, it&…
Foodies Christmas Gift Guide 2020
One of my favourite things about Christmas is the food! Come on, who wouldn't agree? When else can we eat chocolate every single day of the month (advent calendars), and scoff our faces in tubs of Christmas chocolates without feeling guilty? Let's not forget the turkey and all the trimmings…
Wednesday, 16 December 2020
Couples Christmas Gift Guide 2020
Buying Christmas presents for individuals can be hard enough and quite time consuming but what about when it comes to couples/joint gifts? When it comes to engagements and anniversaries, finding joint gifts can be a walk in the park, but with Christmas, it's a whole other story! Disclaimer: All…
Dog's Christmas Gift Guide 2020
I know it makes some people cringe, when humans refer to their pets as their fur-babies, but I'll be the first to hold my hands up, and admit - my dog is my fur baby. He is, without a doubt my second child, and is very much an equal part of the family - we include him in everything we celebrate…
Tuesday, 15 December 2020
Vegan Christmas Gift Guide 2020
Plant-based diets and Veganism are on the rise more than ever, with animal welfare, allergies, weight management, diet trends and environmental concerns being the main reason behind the decision to go green. Last year, with the number of people claiming to be vegan soaring by 62%, the total number …
Monday, 9 November 2020
Calling A Break on Friendships
If 2020 has taught us anything - it's taught us life is too short, so why am I writing a post about taking a break on friendships? Sometimes, we need to put ourselves first, because when we're putting so many others in front of ourselves, our own lives start spiralling out of control.
Friday, 6 November 2020
(AD) 4 Ways to Get Your Kids to Drink More Water
All every parent wants is happy and healthy kids, right? Drinking water is one of the easiest habits to implement in everyday life for a healthier lifestyle. Your kids should be drinking a certain amount of water according to their age , and they need to be properly hydrated every day. But how do we…
Tuesday, 3 November 2020
It's beginning to look a lot like Christmas!
We may only be in November, but I'm so ready for Christmas right now! I'm eagerly waiting for the radio to be playing back to back Christmas songs, or even a few will do! I'm ready to watch Christmas movies, and I've even started buying gifts - only stocking fillers, but still - I…
Tuesday, 20 October 2020
Free Halloween Home Education Worksheets
I have been home educating my son for over two years now, and whilst home education may be the worse idea for some families, for us it works perfectly splendid - any guesses to what I've just finished watching!? One of the things I love most about our home education journey, is that there is n…
Monday, 12 October 2020
How 2020 Changed Halloween
Usually, September and the first week of October is my second busiest time of the year for Unique Young Mum, it's usually the time I spend getting everything ready for my Halloween feature. Although Halloween isn't my favourite time of the year - it's one of them, and my Halloween featu…
Thursday, 1 October 2020
The Diet Is NOT Going Well!
When I announced I was on a diet or rather a lifestyle change, aka - my weightloss journey a little while ago, I honestly thought by going public with it, and by talking about it openly on my blog - that it would make me more determined than ever to make it work this time around. How wrong could I…
Tuesday, 22 September 2020
(AD) Is My Child Old Enough to Be Left at Home Alone?
Most parents feel anxious when it comes to leaving their children ‘home alone’ for the first time. You start to wonder what they might get up to whilst you’re gone and, more importantly, will they be safe? Legalities around leaving your kids home alone are a little blurry, as there is no specific a…
Monday, 21 September 2020
(AD) What Fees to Expect When Your Child Starts School
Whether you choose to send your child to an independent school or a government-funded school, there will be costs to factor into your budgeting so that nothing comes as a surprise. For instance, most schools require their students to wear a uniform, including a PE kit, which can add up to be quite …
Friday, 18 September 2020
(AD) How to Build a Relationship with Your Child’s Teachers
How often do you meet up with your child’s teachers for a catch-up on their progress? The chances are, it’s not a very frequent occurrence. In fact, the majority of parents only meet up with their child’s teachers at the yearly parents’ evenings, and that’s if other commitments, such as work, don’t…
Thursday, 17 September 2020
(AD) Top Tips to Improve the Morning School Run
The majority of parents will know too well how stressful the morning school run can be sometimes, particularly those of us who are guilty of pressing the snooze button a few too many times. It can often feel like a losing battle trying to get the whole family out the door on time, but you’ll be ple…
Thursday, 3 September 2020
WIN A Disney Star Wars Bundle
Star Wars is a franchise which began with the eponymous 1977 film and quickly became a worldwide phenomenon. The franchise has been expanded into various films, and other media and the franchise also holds a Guinness World Records title for the most successful film merchandising franchise. You name…
Wednesday, 2 September 2020
WIN John Lewis Mini Table-Top Football Game
I'm not going to pretend I know much about football, because to be honest, I don't have a clue about it! I know when a goal has been scored, and that's only because the score changes OR pre this situation, you'd hear the fans react in an almighty roar of cheers and support! What I d…
Tuesday, 1 September 2020
WIN Dinosaur Operation & Don't Be A Monkey Games
Playing board games is one of my favourite things to do when we spend family time together. I have fond memories of playing board games with my siblings and parents when I was younger, and I still prefer a board game over a game of charades or a go on the karaoke even now as an adult! Board games a…
Monday, 31 August 2020
WIN a Dinosaur Roar 4-in-1 Puzzle & Hama Beads Set
Dinosaurs have been extinct for around 65 million years - meaning no one in this lifetime has seen a real one, yet they are still well known as if they were here still, living amongst us! Dinosaurs are also very popular with children, and feature on a few different programs, as well as lots of stor…
Sunday, 30 August 2020
WIN a Galt Puzzle Set and Galt Magnetic Shapes
Behind the colourful and engaging toys, games and puzzles that Galt Toys is renowned for, there is a vibrant, local British history with a story that began over 180 years ago. The Galt Toys division was formed in 1961 and remains dedicated to producing and selling quality toys, beloved by generatio…
Saturday, 29 August 2020
WIN DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free Toys
In the popular DreamWorks animated television show Spirit Riding Free - shown on Netflix (all eight series) a small Western town young girl from the city called Lucky forms a tight bond with a wild horse called Spirit, whilst having adventures with her friends Pru and Abigail.
Friday, 28 August 2020
WIN A Play-Doh 3 Piece Bundle
Did you know Play-Doh was originally marketed as a wallpaper cleaner, before becoming a 'play' thing? I didn't either, but they do say you learn something new every day! In 1956 the Play-Doh brand was born, and it's been loved by generations since it was born, and it's still as …
Thursday, 27 August 2020
WIN a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Piece Bundle
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles have been around for as long as I can remember! I remember watching them myself as a child, and always loving the four Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles unique names - Michelangelo, Raphael, Donatello and Leonardo, and they're still around now in 2020!
Wednesday, 26 August 2020
WIN Peppa Pig Car Toaster and Look & Find Reader
If you've not heard of Peppa Pig - you must be living under a rock on space! Peppa Pig is a British preschool animated television series in association with Entertainment One, Nick Jr. and Channel 5. The show revolves around Peppa Pig - an outgoing preschool pig, who loves participating in many…
Tuesday, 25 August 2020
WIN Disney Frozen 2 Elsa Adventure Doll & Microphone
As you surely all know by now, I'm a big Disney fan, so I'm super excited to be hosting this competition featuring products from one of Disney's best-selling animation films - Frozen 2. I've teemed up with Polly's Sweet Treats to host the last 10 days of competitions to celebrat…
Monday, 24 August 2020
WIN a £100 Marks & Spencer Hamper!
I'm now on day 22 and competition 22 of my virtual blogiversary/birthday party and what a party it's been! With this special competition now going live, I only have 10 more days of competitions left to run, but don't worry - I've made up for that disappointing news by teaming up wit…
Sunday, 23 August 2020
WIN A Teen Calm Box
With the world currently facing a situation no one could have imagined, I worry about my own teenage son's mental health, along with every other teen (and other children and adults too of course!), so I was rather impressed when I opened an email from Teen Calm a few weeks ago. Teen Calm was de…
Saturday, 22 August 2020
Win a Personalised Gift from Happiness Is a Gift
Is there anything more special than receiving a personalised gift - no matter the occasion? Happiness is a Gift is an online UK Gift Store that specialises in personalised gifts. They have a fantastic selection of gift ideas for that someone special, including but not all: wooden photo frames, cera…
Friday, 21 August 2020
WIN 1 of 2 Hay-Band's to Help Banish Hay Fever!
For many, the warmer weather we've recently had will come as a welcome relief, but if you’re one of the 15 million people in the UK affected by hay fever, you may not want to hang up your hanky just yet! Hay fever (or Allergic Rhinitis), is a medical condition which covers a number of symptoms …
Thursday, 20 August 2020
WIN Sunglasses Of Your Choice From Layoners
Straight from the runways of Milano to the streets of New York - Layoners brings the perfect mix of refined haute couture and hottest street style trends. Thick oversized frames, retro shapes and futuristic silhouettes have dominated this season, and Layoners are glad to feature them in their colle…
Wednesday, 19 August 2020
WIN 1 of 3 Zap-It! devices!
Mozzies and little biting insects... they’re universally unpopular and guaranteed to put a dampener on things when you’re outside, with their dive-bombing and blood-sucking antics. So whether you’re backpacking through South America, honeymooning in Asia, out for a run or just barbecuing in your ow…
Tuesday, 18 August 2020
WIN Underwear From Modibodi
Established in 2013, by Kristi Chong after the birth of her second child - Kristy’s experience with “unmentionable” bladder leaks made her determined to start her own brand. One that would change our mindsets – and the planet – by changing underwear for the better.
Monday, 17 August 2020
WIN a Large Hamper from The Baby Hamper Company
Founded in 2012 by a daughter and mother team - Chloe and Christine, The Baby Hamper Company was born after Chloe and Christine found a lack of original yet cost-effective newborn gifts whilst searching the internet. Chloe and Christine soon realised there was a real need to provide unique and cool…
Sunday, 16 August 2020
WIN 1 of 10 Ailsa Frank £25 Hypnosis Download Vouchers
I've teamed up with hypnotherapist Ailsa Frank to give 10 readers the chance to win a £25 voucher to spend on stress-releasing hypnosis downloads for support through the current situation. Hypnotherapy recordings are a great way to de-stress your mind helping you to cope better with the challen…
Saturday, 15 August 2020
WIN Protein Powders from Bioglan Superfoods
Protein is an important part of our diet and a key to building and maintaining all types of body tissue, including muscle. Consuming protein has numerous benefits for not just muscle gain, but benefits weight loss too along with your general health. A healthy lifestyle starts with what you put in y…
Friday, 14 August 2020
WIN a Children's Book Bundle From Quarto
At Quarto, they create a wide variety of books and products - with a mission to inspire life's experiences. Produced in many formats for adults, children and the whole family, their products are visually appealing, information-rich and stimulating. Quarto encompasses a diverse portfolio of impr…
Thursday, 13 August 2020
WIN a Zippo Heatbank 9s - Handwarmer and Powerbank
Many of you may know Zippo as the lighter company, but not just any lighter company - the best lighter company around! Founded in the 1930s with the production of the well known Zippo lighter, Zippo’s diverse product line which continues to grow, now includes - lighters, lighter accessories, butane…
Wednesday, 12 August 2020
WIN Gioteck JC-20 Nintendo Switch Controller Pair - Pastel
Gamers and gaming fans all over the UK are most probably already somewhat familiar with Gioteck. Gioteck is one of the world's leading gaming accessories brands, established in 2008 and part of GoodBetterBest Ltd it's a well-known brand for gamers of all ages. Gioteck offers gaming and audi…
Tuesday, 11 August 2020
WIN a lavera Hydro Sensation Skincare Set
Believing nature is the only true care for the skin, body and mind, lavera's vision has always been natural and organic cosmetics for everybody everywhere. Right from the beginning, over 30 years ago - lavera was all about making beauty care from natural ingredients that were as organic as po…
Monday, 10 August 2020
WIN 1 of 5 OGGS Celebration Cakes
Cake today, champagne yesterday - anyone would think there's a party going on! I absolutely love all the prizes I have lined up for you all, but this one especially is standing out to me so much right now! Chocolate and cake - just two words that make my taste buds happy, but add in OGGS two wo…
Sunday, 9 August 2020
WIN a Personalised Bottle of Champagne
As most of you will already know, I'm celebrating Unique Young Mum's 8th Blogiversary (birthday!) throughout August through to the 3rd of September! I've celebrated in many different ways, incorporating as many people as possible - including you readers and visitors! I've had a smal…
Saturday, 8 August 2020
Win The New Legends Of Monkey Merchandise
Emmy-winning adventure series THE NEW LEGENDS OF MONKEY is back on Netflix for a second series (which launched yesterday - Friday August 7th) and to celebrate we’re giving you the chance to get your hands on some amazing Monkey merch!
Friday, 7 August 2020
WIN A Lunch Set From Bee Green Wraps
A lot of us all over the world are trying to reduce our plastic use for multiple reasons and it's great to see brands and companies doing their bit to reduce plastic waste. Bee Green Wraps are natural, organic, reusable food wraps, which works just like cellophane and can replace aluminium tin …
Thursday, 6 August 2020
WIN a BetterYou Magnesium Bundle
A good night’s slumber is essential to a healthy existence; protecting us physically and mentally as well as boosting our general quality of life. Yet with our ever-increasing use of sleep-inhibiting blue light technology, blurred boundaries surrounding work, home life, the current situation and di…
Wednesday, 5 August 2020
WIN A Disney Toy Story 4 Bundle Worth Over £100
If you've been a fan of Unique Young Mum for a while, then it will be no surprise to you that I LOVE and adore Disney! If I'm not wearing a Disney makeup palette on my face, I'm more than likely wearing a Disney top or showing off an accessory of some kind! So to celebrate Disney’s Summ…
Tuesday, 4 August 2020
WIN A Sous Chef Sakura Blossom Ramen Bowl
Sous Chef is the shop for people who just love to cook! Started by a married couple - Nicola (who worked in a Michelin-starred kitchen) and her husband Nick, Sous Chef is still an independent family run business today. They were one of the first online retailers to work towards being single-use and…
Monday, 3 August 2020
(AD) Why is Reading so Important for Children?
All children are innately curious. From the time of their birth, they are programmed to learn and to acquire knowledge. Reading is a fundamental part of helping children to begin to acquire knowledge independently. Learning independently is a valuable asset because it allows children to study areas…
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To kick start a month-long virtual celebration to celebrate Unique Young Mum turning 8 years old, I am giving one lucky reader/visitor of U...
If you've been a fan of Unique Young Mum for a while, then it will be no surprise to you that I LOVE and adore Disney! If I'm not w...
Star Wars is a franchise which began with the eponymous 1977 film and quickly became a worldwide phenomenon. The franchise has been expande...
As you surely all know by now, I'm a big Disney fan, so I'm super excited to be hosting this competition featuring products from on...
If you've not heard of Peppa Pig - you must be living under a rock on space! Peppa Pig is a British preschool animated television serie...
Blog Archive
- (AD) Is My Child Old Enough to Be Left at Home Alone?
- (AD) What Fees to Expect When Your Child Starts Sc...
- (AD) How to Build a Relationship with Your Child’s...
- (AD) Top Tips to Improve the Morning School Run
- WIN A Disney Star Wars Bundle
- WIN John Lewis Mini Table-Top Football Game
- WIN Dinosaur Operation & Don't Be A Monkey Games
- WIN a Dinosaur Roar 4-in-1 Puzzle & Hama Beads Set
- WIN a Galt Puzzle Set and Galt Magnetic Shapes
- WIN DreamWorks Spirit Riding Free Toys
- WIN A Play-Doh 3 Piece Bundle
- WIN a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles 2 Piece Bundle
- WIN Peppa Pig Car Toaster and Look & Find Reader
- WIN Disney Frozen 2 Elsa Adventure Doll & Microphone
- WIN a £100 Marks & Spencer Hamper!
- WIN A Teen Calm Box
- Win a Personalised Gift from Happiness Is a Gift
- WIN 1 of 2 Hay-Band's to Help Banish Hay Fever!
- WIN Sunglasses Of Your Choice From Layoners
- WIN 1 of 3 Zap-It! devices!
- WIN Underwear From Modibodi
- WIN a Large Hamper from The Baby Hamper Company
- WIN 1 of 10 Ailsa Frank £25 Hypnosis Download Vouc...
- WIN Protein Powders from Bioglan Superfoods
- WIN a Children's Book Bundle From Quarto
- WIN a Zippo Heatbank 9s - Handwarmer and Powerbank
- WIN Gioteck JC-20 Nintendo Switch Controller Pair ...
- WIN a lavera Hydro Sensation Skincare Set
- WIN 1 of 5 OGGS Celebration Cakes
- WIN a Personalised Bottle of Champagne
- Win The New Legends Of Monkey Merchandise
- WIN A Lunch Set From Bee Green Wraps
- WIN a BetterYou Magnesium Bundle
- WIN A Disney Toy Story 4 Bundle Worth Over £100
- WIN A Sous Chef Sakura Blossom Ramen Bowl
- (AD) Why is Reading so Important for Children?