Have you ever agreed to do something, only for the time to draw nearer and you start to dread the upcoming situation? As I seem to do this all the time, and if you think previous lessons would've taught me, think again! From helping out at school fetes, or volunteering to stay till the end at a wedding to help clear up, and promising people I'd be at certain events - I think I've done it all.
The latest situation got said ages ago, I'm sure it was even years ago to be honest, and that was me promising my football mad brother that I'd treat us to a weekend away in Liverpool, mainly to see his much loved Liverpool Football Club as a late birthday present. Oh how me and football get on - NOT! It's very well known in my family that I once cheered on the opposing team - at least I tried I suppose!
Any way to make this weekend more enjoyable for me (selfish I know, but after all, it is my treat and I volunteered to drive - see I never learn!) I've been looking for things to do in Liverpool during the dates that we're going and I must admit, I've not struggled to find things to do. I have struggled with sorting out the final arrangements, and by that, what I mean is actually narrowing down the large selection of things we could've done, and for once I'm feeling quite proud of myself as I've been so organised, I've even been able to plan where we're going to eat - with my brother's agreement of course!
So, we're in Liverpool from Thursday 22nd of August, until Monday 26th of August, it was originally going to be a Friday-Monday weekend trip away, however, with so much going on we thought we'd make an extra day out of it. Our plan for the weekend consists of:
Thursday - after a long drive (for me), we will most probably check out the local area surrounding our hotel, get some dinner and have an earlyish night - we might play up and check out some bar's after dinner, parent's weekend off!
Thursday - after a long drive (for me), we will most probably check out the local area surrounding our hotel, get some dinner and have an earlyish night - we might play up and check out some bar's after dinner, parent's weekend off!
Friday - We're both going to relive our childhood with a visit to an indoor fun fair, a wristband cost just £10 each, and gives you three hours of non-stop fun, with unlimited rides - as many as you can handle. After the fair, we'll have a late lunch, head back to the hotel for a shower, change of outfits and then we'll head off to enjoy Liverpool's nightlife with a Freddie Mercury & Queen Tribute - how excited am I?
Saturday - Football day! This means waking up super early, even though kick off isn't until 5:30pm, having a cooked breakfast and going to a few pubs to get in the pre-game spirit, whatever that may be! Liverpool are playing Arsenal that day, and depending on the result - we'll either be drowning my brother's sorrows, or celebrating a win in a nightclub or two.
Sunday - The last full day isn't going have a roast dinner in sight sadly, however we're sure to have a good time at the Look-A-Like Tribute Festival being held in Liverpool on the Sunday. With tribute acts covering some of our favourite bands and artist including Pink Floyd, OASIS, The Beatles, Queen, Rolling Stones, The Who, David Bowie, something that we'll both enjoy, before our drive home the next day.
As I mentioned earlier, we was spoilt for choice on what to do when we visit Liverpool, and with thanks to Liverpool One you can find things to do yourself in Liverpool, by viewing the infographic below.
Until next time,
Jada x

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*This is a collaborative post.
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