In a little over a week's time, I turn 27 years old, three years off of the big 30 and whilst I'm proud of the life I've led so far, I feel a tiny bit disappointed that due to fears I've not done as much as I'd maybe of liked too. Whilst I hate letting my fears take over my life, I know that I'll never be able to face them, or get rid of them, but it shouldn't stop me living life to the full should it?

Two of my biggest fears are heights and spiders, spiders without a doubt comes first, and I know it may sound stupid to many as they're tiny compared to me, but I'm terrified of them, and everything and I mean EVERYTHING I do in life, even day to day duties leaves me thinking about them! I mean even using a public toilet is cause for a panic attack if a spider is lurching around, I'd quite happily have an accident if the only other choice was going in a cubicle where a spider was living!
Heights never used to be so much of a fear, I've got photographs of me on the UK's highest roller-coasters, but that was pre Spud days! Since becoming a parent my fear list went from one thing to 100 things, I become an overnight worrier and now worry about my door being locked, even though I'd only just locked it 20 seconds before, and this lady here who once lived on a canal boat as a child, is now scared of walking along rivers!
As this week is National Experience Week (17th April-26th April), it got me thinking of experiences I've done in the past, and experiences I've yet to experience! When I say to Gareth I'd love to try new life experiences, I don't think of things like jumping out of a plane, or climbing a mountain or even snorkeling in a sea, however I do think of things that sometimes seem impossible - but they saying everything is possible if you put your mind to it...
Then I discovered IntoTheBlue's competition and thought why not? IntoTheBlue are hosting a fabulous competition that will see one lucky winner win their wishlist of experiences worth up to £1000! Whilst two runner up's will win a IntoTheBlue gift voucher each, who would want to miss out AND you don't need a blog to enter - it's open to everyone!
I think the hardest thing about the competition is picking what experiences you'd like to do! I'd personally love to go to DisneyLand - Paris or America and discover the true Disney life - something I've always dreamed of, but then again, I'd love to learn how to decorate cakes and biscuits! I love baking and not to blow my own trumpet but they do taste amazing - it's just the decoration that lets me down, and seeing as I'd love to make my own wedding cake, that's one experience I'd love to have achieved!

Then there's the romantic weekend I'd love to experience, or do I wait until Spud is a bit older? He's 11 now and I know my parents will be more than happy to look after him for the weekend - but am I ready to leave him for the whole weekend? Then there's the photography course that I would absolutely love to attend, taking pictures is a big part of my life, and I'd love to know how to capture perfect photos every time!
If you fancy entering the competition yourself, all you need to do is head on over to IntoTheBlue, create wishlist with at least two products and then post on Twitter or facebook and tell them how you're celebrating National Experience Week with the following hashtag #nationalexperienceweek
It's really that simple! Good luck everyone - and to myself of course ;).
Jada x
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