I'm extremely lucky to have a parent living in Cornwall, although when I'm poorly, and just want one of my mother's cuddles, knowing she lives over four hours away doesn't make me feel that lucky at all. When it comes to the school holidays, it does mean we get a ''free'' holiday however! It just means we have to pay for the cost of petrol and give my mum some money for food, gas and electric, only fair considering how long we're all here for, and how many extra there are of us!
So this last week has seen me, Spud and Gareth spending time in North Cornwall with my mum, step dad Glenn and little sister. My older sister Paula, brother-in-law Kieron and two nephews Little Big Man and Baby Boo are also here from Reading, so as you can imagine it's a full house for my mum, little sister and Glenn! They're only use to the three of them being here, whilst now they've took on another seven people!
1. Glenn's chicken Chasni curry from scratch (curry only that is!).

On the day we arrived, we ended up having beans on toast due to the time we arrived here. What should of been a four hour journey took over eight hours!
On Saturday however, Glenn cooked up a lovely chicken chasni from scratch, no curry jars in sight! It was delicious!
2. The sea view from my mums bedroom window.

Spending over eight hours in the car on the drive down wasn't pleasant at all, so it was a nice and pleasent surprise to be shown the seaview by my mum from one of her bedroom windows!
3. Mum and Glenn's Lamb and Beef Roast!

Ever since I got with Gareth, I've been telling him all about my mum and Glenn's roast and how nice they taste! Well, Gareth finally got to try one out for himself on Sunday when my mum and Glenn cooked roast beef and lamb for us all! I got my yearly fix, although I'm craving another one already just three days on!
4. The Beach!

After dinner on Monday evening, we went down to the beach for a walk, sadly the beach isn't within suitable walking distance (at least not for a child) so we drove there and back. Spud was pleased because he was able to give his new sand bucket and spade a try also!

Gareth sat on the beach watching the waves smash onto the sand and rocks, beautiful sight and a great picture perfect opportunity!
5. My Nails!

Gareth treated me to having my nails done, only there was no nail salons or nail spas in sight around my mums area! So we travelled the hour journey to Barnstaple and found a nail spa who took so much time and care on my nails, I was extremely impressed! Not only did Gareth pay, but he also sat with me from start to finish until my nails was done, answering any phone calls and reading out emails for me, he's such a star!
6. Mum's Baking!

I'm not sure if my mum enjoys baking but she sure is amazing at baking, and makes really enjoyable treats! One of my favourites is Gypsy Tart which is pictured above. Not everyone knows how to make Gypsy Tart but luckily, my mum does and she made a lovely big massive batch for us yesterday! It's nearly all gone mind you, the whole family jumped right in to get some, and Gareth loved it too, a bit of a risk seeing as he'd never tried it before!
7. My World In One Photo.

Spud and Gareth was on the phone and laptop when I thought I would get a sneaky picture of them for my own records, however, the flash went off before the photo was took resulting in them both realising what I was upto and them quickly smiling before the shot was taken! Me and Gareth love this photo as it was an unexpected surprise for them both, but they both ended up smiling for me!
Until next time,
Jada x
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