When we lived at the flat, Spud had a room that was smaller then the average size box room, it was ridiculously small, and once filled with a bed, a little tv stand and his television, there was minimum space for all his toys and games, which isn't nice for a child at all! He didn't even have room for a little chair to permanently reside in the middle of the floor, instead, he had to make do with a collapsable chair that would be folded whenever it wasn't in use.
Although the bedroom was small, and lacked space, we did have a rather large cupboard, that wasn't much smaller than Spud's bedroom, the only reason it wasn't used as a bedroom was because it didn't have a window (it possibly couldn't due to the layout) and no electric sockets! It did however have a light inside, with a light switch, and a plug socket right outside the door, of which, the door was constantly open whenever Spud played in there as the cupboard soon became his playroom!
When we moved however, Spud somehow lost more space, even though I'm sure the size of his current bedroom could of got his old bedroom and playroom in it and still have lots of space left! With a tall boy who isn't going to stop growing for quite a few years yet, and boxes and boxes of toys, games, dvd's and clothes, I have been trying to find ways to maximise the space in Spud's bedroom.
The simplest, most easiest and beneficial way for not only Spud but for myself also is to purchase him a new bed, one with lots of storage space and one that's comfortable too! I've been looking at various childrens beds with storage, and have found quite a few that have caught my eye recently, all from a midsleeper range, I thought I'd share them here, in hope that people will vote what bed they love the most and what bed they think will be most practical for Spud's bedroom!
1: The 'space' one! No pun intended!

Spud is a little boy who can sometimes sit with all his toys surrounding him, so much so its like a game of stepping stones sometimes, you have to be the first one to spot a bit of floorboard to move yourself around! With the space underneath the bed, Spud can easily hide his toys and teddies under the bed, out of the way to ensure no one trips over! Spud would personally love this design as it's theme is space, of which he loves!
2: Snakes & Ladders OR rather Slides & Ladders!

Spud would absolutely love this bed, it features so much detail I'm sure he would have so much fun! First of all, right smack bang in the middle at the bottom of a bed, is what looks like a house area, great for imaginative play! Then there's the ladder that takes you up and the slide that takes you down, I picture being able to wake Spud up on time every morning with this bed! I'm sure he would have no problem sliding down a slide every morning!
3: The Blue Storage One.
This one caught my eye due to the teddies being tucked into the storage pockets at the top of the bed just left to the ladder. Spud loves taking a teddy, or some sort of figurine to bed with him, and whilst I don't really mind, I do worry about a big teddy suffocating him, or one of his falling on the floor and breaking, but with this bed, Spud could easily take his teddy and figures to bed!
4: The Pre-Study One!
This September, Spud will be going into year five (where on earth has the time gone!) and so, he will soon be revising for his SAT exams and making a start on his secondary education path. With homework to be done, I think this pull out desk is excellent, the draws can be used for clothing , most probably pyjamas and the shelving can be used for various objects such as a clock, a teddy and his favourite toy!
5: The Stylish Study One!

This has got to be my joint favourite out of the five beds! I love the chunky thick and un-steep steps, I love the cupboard and shelving units at the end of the bed, as well as all the storage under the bed, and of course, we can't forget that lovely pull out desk! It may not be right for Spud's age right now, but if he does want a more older bed next year or the year after, this bed will be the first one I show him!
So there we have it, the five finalist bed! What one do you love the best and why!? Please do leave me a comment at the bottom of this post!
Until next time,
Jada x
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