Wednesday, 29 April 2015

Transforming Our Home With Asda - Part One - The Lounge.

Transforming Our Home With Asda - Part One - The Lounge.
There's still so much that I've not spoken about in regards to mine and Spud's not so new home, and I hope to be able to tell you all about it one day in more detail. On the short, I'm sure you've all read a number of post now talking about the state of the house and how much wo…

Monday, 27 April 2015

How to Get a Couple’s Photo that Doesn’t Make you Cringe

How to Get a Couple’s Photo that Doesn’t Make you Cringe
A couple’s photo session can be dangerous territory. We’ve all seen the cheesy efforts which adorn the walls of people who are seemingly too distracted by how much in love they are to recognise the error of their ways. However, done properly a photo of you both can be stylish as well as a great rep…

Sunday, 26 April 2015

Summer Garden Wishlist.

Summer Garden Wishlist.
With summer just around the corner, I think it's about time that I start making some sort of plan for our overly messy garden! We moved to this house in November, and as I've mentioned before, the house needs a lot of work doing to it, I'm still not even a quarter of a way through the w…

Thursday, 23 April 2015

My Birthday Wish List

My Birthday Wish List
As I have already mentioned in a post recently, my birthday is just around the corner, well more so a couple of a days away! A whole three days away and just to make it even clearer - it's on Sunday! Not that I'm trying to get my friends or families attention or anything, it's not as th…

Monday, 20 April 2015

Our Fun Filled Easter Weekend!

Our Fun Filled Easter Weekend!
This morning was the day Spud was going back to school after 18 days off for the Easter holidays, we both started dreading today from last Thursday, and it was safe to say we was both wearing disappointed and sad faces this morning. It's no secret I have attachment issues, and whilst friends an…

Monday, 20 April 2015

Northern Ireland Destination Guide

Northern Ireland Destination Guide
So next week sees me turning the grand age of 25, birthdays are strange old things aren't they!? I remember being a small child, looking up to my older siblings wishing I could be there age, then when I would reach an age I'd wish to be, I'd wish to be even older, watching how much fun …

Saturday, 18 April 2015

Dear Nanny Lew

Hello Nanny, I hope you're well up there and enjoying your time as an angel! It's hard to believe that you're not with us anymore Nanny, so to think that in a few days time you've been in heaven for a year is upsetting. It seems a lot longer than a year to be honest Nanny, so much ha…

Friday, 17 April 2015

Finally... We Have Shared Parental Leave!

Finally... We Have Shared Parental Leave!
For as long as I can remember, it's always been mother's due to give birth, or mother's who have just given birth that's been allowed to take time off work here in the UK under a scheme called Maternity Leave. Whilst mother's were entitled to up to a year off work (52 weeks), fa…

Thursday, 16 April 2015

How To Make A Marzipan Rainbow Cake Topper

How To Make A Marzipan Rainbow Cake Topper
Now spring is well and truly sprung why not liven up your cakes with a beautiful marzipan rainbow cake topper. Follow this simple guide. Springtime is always the best time to catch a glimpse of rainbows brightening up the sky. The combination of more sun and those occasional April showers make them …