This year, I'll be turning a quarter of a century, that mean's I've been on this planet Earth for 25 years come April (the 26th) and that just seems surreal! I remember being a young child, wishing I could be of a certain age, and then I would reach that age and would wish for an older age again, I couldn't wait to be 13, to become a teenager, then 16, then 18 then 21.
Now at the age of 24, thinking ahead of time, knowing in a few months time I'll be five years of 30, it makes you reflect on the pass and makes you chuckle as you think of the presents you once wished for. I remember every year on my birthday as a child being taken out by my dad to spend my birthday money, I remember smiling like a cheshire cat with excitement one year when I had went to town with my dad and picked out one of those child tents.
It was a Barbie tent, and it had loads and loads of plastic poles, with a thin layer of plastic material that gently slipped over the top. I think it ripped less than a week later, and with help from my siblings and cousins, the plastic poles was bent, snapped, with connectors missing and generally just looking broken.
Through my pre-teen and teenage years, it was all about clothes and footwear, quite the tomboy the thought of buying a new tracksuit along with a pair of trainers was one of the few things that made me be seen with my dad in town. You know when you get to that awkward age where parents are awfully embarrassing, even though they don't actually do anything, it's just the cringe factor to be seen with them, that's how I was!
I had Spud from a young age, so from the age of 16 (as he was born a month before my 15th birthday), I politely requested household items such as pan sets to tea-towels or vouchers for appropriate shops that sold such items. Treating myself become near impossible, and so during later birthdays, I'd politely request clothing shop vouchers, tired of wearing the same aggy clothes, birthdays was something to look forward too.
Now I'm settled home wise, and can treat myself every few months or so, it's been strange to write out my birthday wish list this year, it's still a mixture of things, as you can see from the picture below, but it's crazyness to see that as we get another year older, the things we wish for change.

Along with my favourite perfume Rihanna - Reb'l Fleur, I'd love to get some new glasses, the ones featured above our the ones I have currently, only I just don't know where they are! I've needed a new fridge freezer for as long as I can remember, only something else always pops up in the way, so browsing for Panasonic fridge freezers led me to finding the one above pictured!
I've always wanted a Pandora bracelet, I just cant justify spending that amount on myself as a treat as I'm a mother, I always think about Spud first. I love the variety of charms they do and I have visions of the ones I'd love to place on the charm over the years! As always, I've put on clothing vouchers, the seasons change and I don't think the summer would welcome me with thick winter boots and oversized cardigans!
I'm not sure if other soon to be 25 year olds would be asking for the same things as me, or even the same type of items, I am a mother and so others my age who are not parents most probably buy such items themselves. I however wait for special occasions, and appreciate everything I get.
Until next time,
Jada x
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