Whilst moving into a new house is an extremely exciting time, it can also be incredibly daunting; especially if you have kids. When you have children it is vital that every house you move into feels like their home and not just four walls and a roof. So, it’s important that you put your personal touch in every room to ensure your kids feel right at home immediately.
However, adding those personal touches into your new house doesn’t mean you have to dig deep into your purse; in fact you can do it relatively cheaply. Make sure you shop around for the best deals and don’t spend what you can’t afford.
Here are three top tips on how to turn your house into a comfortable, cosy home:
Dress your coffee table
Yes, believe it or not, this is the easiest way to ensure your lounge looks lived in and homely. Dressing your coffee table can be extremely easy too! If you have any little knick knacks that are special to you or your family, then add them onto the table – any little pictures of your family can be added too!
Bookcases and shelves
Bookcases always make a house a home, the minute they are full of books. So, get all your family books out – including the kids Peppa Pig ones and add them to the bookcase! Also, if you can, add some shelves to the walls and place any photographs or trophies on there so that your kids know that this is their new home.
Art and flowers
Art and flowers go hand in hand – if you have some art from your previous house, even better! You can simply place this on the walls around the house. If not, check out your local home-ware stores and take a look at the canvases; these are inexpensive and look both sleek and modern. Also, think about adding some flowers around this house to inject both colour and calmness to the rooms; take a look at Serenata for these.

It’s also worth noting that lighting makes a huge difference in a home; ensure you have soft lighting rather than harsh as this creates a nice, cosy setting – especially on winter nights.
Adding decor and accessories to a home is the easiest way to make it yours, so don’t be afraid to mix things up a little.
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