Time is going so fast, we're already half way through August which mean's Spud's over half way through his summer break from school already! I've tried my hardest to do as much as I can with him around my hospital treatment, but I'm still worried it's not enough! This Moshling today knows exactly how I feel when it come's to worrying!

This series concentrates on Free the Moshlings which is all a bit of a big secret at the moment! The website will be officially live on the Series 11 release date which is 29th August, in the meantime make sure to check back here every day for a daily release of another brand new Moshling!

Name: Benedict
Rarity: Common

Benedict the disorganised, frazzled and panicky Broken Booble is just about able to hold himself together because he is constantly cracking up! Benedict uses big colourful ribbons on his head to prevent his fragile head from falling to bits! Unfortuntately though, Benedicts arms are so short, he has to keep stopping passers-by and asking for a helping hand to tie the bow!

Benedict likes gift wrapping and rolling down hills, but isn't a fan of Potty Pipsqueaks or teaspoons!

Be sure to check back tomorrow for day seven of the Moshi Monster Series 11 Countdown Reveal where I should be revealing a brand new Moshling to you all!
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