I thought I'd take part in this post doing it's rounds to introduce myself to fellow BritMums Live attendees! With thanks to my excellent sponsor's Popagami and MAM I'm able to attend the event being held this weekend (20th and 21st June) for my second time! You can read more about my sponsors in this post here, and you can read more about me below!

Name: Jada
Blog: Unique Young Mum
Twitter ID: @UniqueMummBlog
Height: I've told people for the last 8 year's I'm 5 ft 8, however, after a recent doctor's appointment, I'm actually 5 ft 9!

Hair: At this precise moment, it's brown and very long! I'm booked into the salon on Thursday, so the colour of my hair may be different! It will however still be very, very long and straight!
Eyes: Blue with a tiny bit of green too! This wasn't always the case, they use to be pure blue up until two years ago!

Is this your first blogging conference?
Nope, but you'd think it was with the nerves I'm working up! I attended BritMums Live last year, so this is not only my second time at BritMums, but also my second time at a blogging conference!
Are you attending both days?
Yes, and I'm also staying over night in the big capital on both days! It will be the longest time to date that me and Spud have been apart from each other, I may be an emotional mess!
What are you most looking forward to at BritMums Live 2014?
A lot has changed since last year, there seem's to be new social media platforms every month or so, and new techniques flying around the place so I'm intrigued to learn as much as I can to better my writing skills and Unique Young Mum in general. I let the blog go massively after hearing Spud's health news at the beginning of the year, so I need a major boost to get myself back on track, I know BritMums will be the perfect boost I need! I'm also looking forward to meeting bloggers I've been speaking to for ages that I've not met before, bloggers I don't know and bloggers I've met previously! Of course I cant forget the awards and drinkies!

What are you wearing?
We need to wear clothes? No I'm joking! I've been very lucky this year because not only have I got two BritMums sponsors for my ticket and hotel, but also a clothing sponsor who is putting me in the fabulous get up below! I don't know what I'm more excited to wear!? I may have to wear it all at the same time, of course I wouldn't, but just look at these fabulous pieces from Boohoo!

What do you hope to gain from BritMums Live 2014?
As I said in the paragraph before previous, I need a big kick on my bottom to get my blog thriving again, and now Spud has had both his planned operations for this year, I am able to relax load's more and get back into the habit of blogging! I've a lot to learn!
Do you have any tips to pass on to others who may not have been before?
Get in touch with BritMums on Twitter to ask about the BritMums butterflies, or try to find them when you arrive at the venue, they're fabulous bloggers who are there to help beat any nerves you may have! There are two meets happening on the Friday, just before the event starts (pre-meets are at 12), happening at All Bar One and Starbucks, I'll be at All Bar One so try and pop down if you can! Make sure you have business cards and don't forget your phone charger!
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