Spud has been getting up to all sort's of mischief with today's Moshling, they've decorated Spud's playroom door with Moshi Monster stickers, and had a huge Art Attack moment with the craft box creating a scary looking cereal box and yoghurt pot monster!
Don't forget to keep checking back here every day on Unique Young Mum to find out the latest new Moshi Monster series 10 character! At the end of the countdown one of my lucky readers/visitors will have the chance to win your very own full set of Moshi Monsters series 10, that's ALL 16 Moshling's from the very latest series! Don't forget the special Sea Life* offer available to you all too!

This little rainbow of colours Moshling has caused a little bit of havoc today in our household! First we found our recycling bin and it's contents emptied onto Spud's bed and then we couldn't find our arts and craft's magazines! Splatter loves emptying bins over unmade beds and finger painting, but doesn't like anything in the Googenheim and art critics!

Rank: 129
*Sea Life offer: Purchase a series 10 pack and receive a child free entry to Sea Life Centres across the UK (valid til Dec 2014) with the purchase of one full price adult ticket. You can also head onto www.moshisealife.com enter in your unique code found in your Series 10 pack and see if you've won one of the heaps of roar some prizes up for grabs including a family holiday to Sea Life in Berlin!
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