At the beginning of the week, two small but fantastic packages arrived on my doorstep. Filled with four fantastic goodies, I could not wait to get this post written up! I've been thinking a lot recently about quitting smoking, I've done it before and it lasted for a few good months, and there has been times where I've given up for a day, unable to go on.
Nowadays with all the help available through the NHS and small independent pharmacies, quitting is that little bit easier. The hardest thing about quitting smoking for me is the routine. I live in a first floor flat, so I smoke out of my bedroom window, far away from Spud as possible. If I lived in a house, I could've course smoke in the garden, but that's obviously out of the question.
So first thing in the morning, I wake up with Spud, let him choose what breakfast he wants, while he enters the living room and I make what he has asked for. After he has finished his breakfast, I take away his bowl or plate and let him watch tv for 20 minutes. I use this time to have my first cigarette of the day, leaning out of the window puffing away. Patches, gums and inhalers are great, if you get on with them that is. For me though, it's having a cigarette missing from my hand that's hard!
With a fake cigarette, I get to hold it in my hand, and can do my usual routine and puff away. I still stand at the window, with it wide open as I would a usual cigarette because it's my routine, it's what I'm use too and hopefully, it will eventually help me quit entirely.

Intellicig is running a fantastic campaign this Valentines day to help you, help a loved one quit their habit! As part of their campaign - Spread the Love, Intellicig have very kindly sent me two small parcels of goodies filled with two gift cards, some chocolates and a disposable Intellicig, and one of these parcels is for a competition for Unique Young Mum readers/visitors to participate in!

For your chance of winning a £35 Ticketmaster gift card, a £30 Marks and Spencer gift card, some chocolates and a disposable Intellicig, enter the competition below!
Jada x
a Rafflecopter giveaway
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