Today see the Moshlings have a surprise visit from Spud's little cousins Little Big Man and Baby Boo. LBM is quite the cutie because everything his big cousin is into (Spud) he soon follows! My sister has not stopped listening to the series 9 Moshlings since she picked the two boys up! Day three's reveal below!

Day 3 - Wuzzle
Wuzzle the Wandering Wumple

Wuzzle the Wandering Wumple is a cute little moshling that reminds me somewhat of a older hippie, with its profound, nomadic and sage personality who likes hokey quotes and nude meditation, I am not sure he suits the hippie lifestyle but he certainly looks the part! Wuzzle who carries a lucky heart charm, dislikes bustle and fast food - does Chinese count as fast food because that's Spud's favourite take out!

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