As I've mentioned previously, Spud watches Pokemon every day, well Monday-Friday at the very least just before school. Sitting down either beside him on the little sofa (what he calls his sofa) or opposite him on the big sofa (what he calls my sofa) I admit I enjoy the memories the show brings back. I fondly remember me and my brother, Spud's uncle Jamie being big Pokemon fans and being unable to contain ourselves with excitement when we would receive our weekly pocket money, every single penny would be spent on Pokemon cards, and then there was the time our Mum took us to see the movie at the cinema, the good old memories.

There's sadly not many shows that are still around from when I was a child, even though I am still quite young (although I don't feel it!) so being able to watch Spud watch something I watched often as a child is a wonderful experience. The only difference between the Pokemon I watched as a child and the Pokemon that Spud watches now is the new episodes and the new characters, some I am still trying to remember! When the lovely team over at TOMY offered Spud the chance to review the Pokemon Catch 'n' Return Poke Ball Competition I gracefully accepted the review on his behalf.

Spud still has the Pokemon plush that TOMY very kindly sent him last year just before Christmas, it is still in the very same place he first placed it, at the bottom of his bed. Spud has other Pokemon items including various Poke Ball's and characters that I have purchased for him over time.

The idea of the Pokemon Catch 'n' Return Poke Ball Competition is for players to knock down a Pokemon character from their stand using their Poke Ball and successfully catching the character in the Poke Ball. Always up for a challenge my Spud, he wanted to play it straight away so unfortunately I had no one around to take photo's of me and Spud playing. So your have to use your imagination to imagine me in the photo's playing the competition with him!

TOMY says: Become a true Pokemon trainer with the Pokemon Catch 'n' Return Poke Ball Competition. Use your skill to knock the Pokemon figure off the platform with the Poke ball, and be the first to 'catch' your own Pokemon again in order to win. The set includes everything you need for a 2 player battle: Game mat Three 5th generation Pokemon figures with ID cards to tell you all about them Two Poke balls Two platforms Suitable for kids aged four and up. Add to your game with other Catch 'n' Return Poke Balls and compatible figures.

Inside the box we found the competition game mat, three 5th generation Pokemon characters, three Pokedex ID tags to tell you more about the characters, two Catch 'n' Return Poke Ball's and the platforms required for the competition to successfully take place. The competition is suitable for ages 4+ so Spud very kindly allowed me to compete against him once he done the maths!

The idea is simple and easy, you place the characters on the stands/platforms, pull back your Poke Ball, open your Poke Ball, release the Poke Ball towards the stand and try to successfully catch the character! The competition ends with the winner crowned when the player who catches their character successfully first wins.

We found it challenging for the first 10 minutes, but we soon found the hang of it! TOMY very kindly sent us four packs of two Pokemon characters so we had another eight characters to play with! Other Pokemon characters are available to purchase separately & are compatible with the competition and other Catch 'n' Return Poke Balls are available to purchase separately.
TOMY Pokemon Catch 'n' Return Poke Ball Competition is available to buy with a suggested RRP of £20.99 from Amazon, The Entertainer, Debenhams, Toys R Us and many more great toy retailers!
To find out more about TOMY check out the official website here.
Until next time,
Jada x
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