As a child, I watched Denis the Menace regularly, I remember it being one of the shows frequently shown weekdays after school. I would watch Denis and Nasher on one of their many naughty adventures and giggle along to their misbehaving's! Now Spud is getting a little older, he is getting more into older cartoons and Denis the Menace is one of these cartoons. Spud was delighted to receive some Denis goodies arriving on Nanny's door step when we was on holiday visiting her!

After a long summer break, it’s time to kit-up little menaces as they head back to school with a range of products from Britain’s most iconic comic, The Beano. The Beano team very kindly sent Spud the following two items below from The Beano range. More details can be found below with single product pictures.

Denis the Menace Water Bottle
£5.95 from
£5.95 from

This 750ml capacity plastic water bottle is ideal to fill up with water for your children at school. Spud's school allow the children to have water from their bottles when ever they want during the day including lessons. I am not sure about other school procedures so if your child is not able to have water during lessons, this bottle is perfect for sports and lunchtimes!

The bottle has a wide neck which makes it extremely easy to fill with either tap water or bottled water! The bottle is fairly easy to operate as it's a screw cap. Simply unscrew the cap to fill and empty the bottle, and then screw the cap back on ready for your child to sip/drink away.
Denis the Menace A5 Collage Journal
£9.95 from
£9.95 from
The Beano A5 journal is a plain ruled note book. This vintage style journal features ultra cool comic artwork at both the front and back, on the outside and inside. I'm not sure of how many pages there are but I'd say at least 50, sorry I was too lazy to count!

The journal has an elastic style band that holds the pages of the journal neatly and tight together, your child could even hold snippets or important letters in place within the notebook, with the security of the band enabling anything not to fall out.

If your child has a important bit of homework that need's completing, to make it easier to find a selected page, the journal holds a ribbon bookmark making it easy to find that page your child needs!

Spud likes both of his new Denis items and has already informed me the bottle should be his new water bottle for P.E! Spud has been practising his spellings ready for his first day at junior school next week!

The Beano has some other great Denis the Menace back to school items which I have made into a collage below with the product information, price and websites of where you can buy them from.
Until next time,
Jada x
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