If you are a new reader of my blog you may have missed the two previous post I have done before about Swag Bucks. To read the previous post you can click here and here I DO recommend you read these post if you are thinking about signing up to Swag Bucks I have posted everything in these two post that you should really know first!
I have decided to do another Swag Bucks post as I have now earned £80 through the amazing site! I come across Swag Bucks back in July 2012 and very quickly earned enough Swag Bucks (points) to earn £25 in Amazon vouchers in my first month all for free. The only thing I done was played 2-5minute games, took part in a daily poll, participated in online task and completed surveys, ohh and I watched lots of video's too :)
Then the following month, August the 2nd to be precise I started blogging so I paid Swagbucks less attention and only earned enough Swag Bucks for £20 worth of Amazon vouchers, as my blog progressed I slowly stopped visiting Swag Bucks altogether checking once or maybe twice a month to see how many point's I had. Thanks to my lovely referalls I was still clocking up points slowly. Seven month's have now passed and I have had £80 Amazon vouchers for free, not a penny spent just some free time. If I had more spare time I would of earned £175 by now as earning £25 a month is very easily done!

As you can see from my photo above I cashed out every time I had enough Swag Bucks to purchase a £5 Amazon gift card, higher amounts are available to buy but buying the £5 ones individually cost less points then buying a £25 voucher strangely! Other gift cards are also available for UK sites including New Look and you can also use the points to get money transferred into your PayPal account.
To join Swag Bucks click on this link.
Until next time,
Jade x
To read the August post on Swag Bucks click here.
To read the November post on Swag Bucks click here.
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