Raa Raa! You are, a noisy little lion! Raa Raa! You are, louder than, them all! In the cubby-buggy - cubby-buggy hear me call! In the jingly, jangly, jungle, the noisy lion roars. In the jingly, jangly, jungle, with my friends and yours!

Do you recognise this theme tune? Well if so I'm guessing your little one is a fan of the Cbeebies show Raa Raa, my Spud loves Raa Raa, and the lovely people over at TOMY sent Spud a box of Raa Raa items to review, next on the list is the Raa Raa Interactive Playset (we have previously reviewed 3 Raa Raa and friends bath squirters, read the review here).

Raa Raa's interactive playset has over 30 sounds and phrases with a smart spot system. By using the smart spot features with either Raa Raa (included with the playset) or Raa Raa's friends (available to buy separately) you will hear phrases from the selected character. A real smart spot system!

As you may of been able to see from the box, everything is set up ready
for you to just take out of the box. Inside the box you have the
interactive playset, a Raa Raa figure, the Cubby Buggy and some
accessories including a ladder, a secret chest and bongo's. As the set is already assembled for you, all you have to do is insert 2 x AA batteries then the set is ready to be played with!

The interactive playset is identical to Raa Raa's tree house on the TV series, complete with the Cubby Buggy, swing, steps, the door, the bed etc.

Open the door or turn the playset around then use the ladder to take you upstairs to Raa Raa's bedroom complete with a built in bed and the secret chest.

Place Raa Raa on the swing and push gently for him to have a ride!

Pull down the leaf to park Raa Raa's Cubby Buggy, Spud said this was to protect Raa Raa's car from bird poo!

When Raa Raa is placed on the smart spot next to the Cubby Buggy's parking place, once you push down on Raa Raa the leaf will rise all by itself and then the car magically revs!

By using the smart spots placed around the playset, you will hear familiar sounds and phrases from the hit TV show. The playset works with all other Raa Raa interactive characters that are available to buy separately. Each character reveals their own phrases and sounds, such a clever idea!
*Please note to hear all the 30+ sounds and phrases, you will need all the figures that can be used with the playset, these are sold separately in pack's of 3.

Spud loves the Raa Raa interactive playset, and like many little boys is a vehicle fan so was happy that the Cubby Buggy could be used by itself! Like all TOMY toys the playset is bright and strong, we've had baby boo round bashing the playset up with other toys and the playset is still going good!
Suitable for 18momths plus the perfect playset for any Raa Raa fan is available to buy with a suggested RRP of £34.99 from TOMY, the BBC Shop, Toys R Us, Smyths, Debenhams, and Amazon, Tesco, Boots and many more places.
Until next time,
Jada x
Jada x
Disclosure - I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.
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