As some of you know, I see 2 of my 5 nephews more often than the others, Baby Boo and Little Big Man is what I call them on my blog. Spud loves his little cousins so much, he doesn't mind them sharing the workload with him, when TOMY sent us Night Night Pooh, me and Spud knew it would be the perfect thing for Baby Boo.
I passed Night Night Pooh onto my sister for her youngest, 18 month old Baby Boo. Baby Boo isn't the best of sleepers and my poor sister hasn't had a solid good night's sleep since he arrived, she has tried everything going, from special baby baths to horlicks so we didn't expect this to be something to send Baby Boo to sleep, we did however hope that it would settle him more quickly. (Little Big Man, Baby Boo's big brother has Autism, there is a 50% chance Baby Boo may have the same problem, this could be a possible reason of why he does not sleep through the night).
Night Night Pooh comes in one piece, all you have to do is turn him on as batteries are included, no fiddly parts to put together, just take him out the box and he is ready to go. Night Night Pooh has three different modes that help to create a bedtime routine for babies from birth, the three features are a nightlight mode, lullaby mode and interactive mode.
Night Night Pooh has a 10 minute timer, flickering candle effect, plays 5 lullabies and Winnie the Pooh actually speaks. What I thought was really cute whilst I had Baby Boo for the night was when Pooh said ''night night, sleep tight'', good old Winnie the Pooh.
The light from the candle is soothing, not too bright and not too dim, the candle is activated by a light at the side and the best part has to be that the candle is interactive, gently blow on the candle and the light goes off, magic ay!
TOMY Night Night Pooh is available to buy with a suggested RRP of £29.99 from Amazon, Toys R Us, Boots and
Until next time,

Disclosure - I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.
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