When Esdevium gave us the opportunity to review Fly Trap back in August, I literally wanted to tell you all about it the day I received it, Esdevium was one of the very first companies who gave me trust to do a review for them. The game is Esdevium's first ever children's game. When it comes to the actual game, the first two words that pop into my head to describe the game is fun and challenging. What's a even bigger bonus for my reader's is Esdevium has very kindly sent me a Fly Trap to giveaway to one of my lucky reader's, you can find the competition here.

Before you click away from this review thinking yet another tacky board game, really I cant seem to disagree with this game, although the children think the game is all about fun, with me being the adult observing for the purpose of this review, the game actually helps with co-ordination and brought on lots of questions about what the Fly Trap actually was. The game also helps children with flicking/pinging, although I couldn't get the hang of it, the children picked up on the skill fairly quickly.
I fount this on the Good Toy Guides website
- Develops social skills such as turn taking and friendly competition
- Encourages muscle development – arms, hands and fingers
- Develops coordination and timing
- Prompts discussion about plants and animals diets and eating habits

The game is for 4 years + and is suitable for 2-4 players and one game takes 10 minutes to complete on average. On the bottom of the box it warns the game requires 4 x AA batteries that are not included and colours,details and contents may vary from illustration.

Inside the box was the 20 plastic flies, 10 blue and 10 yellow, 1 Fly Trap with an electric motor (battery operated), 2 fly flickers and 2 pumps.
Set up was very easy, all I had to do was clip the few pieces into place and the game was ready to be played.
We invited next doors kiddies in to help Spud test out the new toys we had received for review, they helped us out with Fly Trap, adults can play the game too, and I had quite a challenging game later on that night trying to win, Spud won every single time, my skills were simply not good enough!

The aim of the game is for players to get in teams, team yellow and team blue. If there are 4 players, 2 go on each team. One player then uses the pump whilst the other player aims to get as many flies into the Fly Trap's mouth.

The pump makes the Fly Traps mouth close, making it harder for the player in question to get a bug into the Fly Traps mouth, so for example, if Spud and me were on competing team's, I would push down on the pump to try and make him miss. The pumps seemed a bit temperamental, I'm not sure if this was a connection issue on my part or if it was just too hard for the children to do, there was only 3 of them, I personally think if there was 1 extra it would of made a big difference.

The Fly Trap is continuously spinning around thanks to the electric motor (battery operated). Both the blue and yellow team place their bugs onto the green pads in front of their coloured leaves. When it is their turn, they place either a fly or bug onto their coloured leaf, to shoot the bug or fly into the Fly Traps mouth, the player pushes down on their colour leaf to aim into the Fly Traps mouth.

The kids become very competitive and was taking it in turns to laugh at each other every time one of them failed to get a fly/bug into the Fly Traps mouth. The kids had a secret though I'm sure, out of 10 bugs I got 3 in, boo hoo!!
There is a disadvantage to this game, as the flies and bugs get flicked' towards the Fly Traps mouth, plastic bugs and flies do appear all over the floor, bribery soon worked though ''tidy up kids and you can play something else''. Instead they collected the 20 bugs and flies and started all over again! Also as mentioned before, the pumps were a bit difficult for the kids to use so they stuck to just aiming the bugs instead.

Out in stores now and available to buy with a suggested RRP of £19.99 from Toys R Us, Amazon, Green Knight Games, Argos and Asda. The perfect game for a child this Christmas or even for a family to play over the Christmas holidays!
To find out more about Fly Trap you can check out the official Esdevium website
For your chance to win a Fly Trap game enter my competition here.
For your chance to win a Fly Trap game enter my competition here.
Until next time,

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