We love anything to do with arts and crafts in our home, weather its making or creating we absolutely love it (as you may be able to tell from previous post). So when the opportunity arose to do a review for DKL on one of their Hama Bead sets they sell I was really happy as I remember doing these as a child and knew Spud would love making the creations himself!
I was even more happy when a set turned up as it was Disney Pixar Toy Story, and if you have read the about me page you would of read we love Disney in our home! Spud is obsessed with Mickey Mouse but his bedroom is Toy Story, he even has a Toy Story rocket bed!

The idea is simple, you simply follow the guide on where to place the beads including the colours, place the iron proof paper on top, and iron and then the beads slightly melt and stick together!
With help from Mummy who was following the guide, Spud was able to do a lot of the beads himself, maybe it wasn't such a good idea to have children's TV on in the background as he does get easily distracted.
As you can see from the photo, the Hama Beads can create wonderful designs, this one Spud is working on looks exactly like Buzz Lightyear. I know its meant to be Buzz but I was thinking it wouldn't work out to look just like Buzz but too my surprise it actually did!
We don't have a table, our flat is too small for one we have no where to put one at all so I had to do the Hama Beads on the floor, which meant I had to bring the iron into the front room too, of course I told Spud to stay over the other side of the room whilst I ironed the Hama Beads together. I must stress this part is strictly for adults!!
By simply placing the iron proof paper on top of the Hama Bead design and then according to the guide for the bead size you have, iron in circle movements carefully to melt the beads slightly together, if you do it correctly the boards are re-usable too, fab!
Above is the 3 Toy Story characters we made out of the Hama Beads, the ironing part ensured the beads slightly melted and stuck together, you then leave the design to cool down and carefully pick the design from the board.
Not only was we able to make the 3 designs but we have at least 1000 beads left over, we have saved these for a rainy day to use again. It was great fun and the best part of it all was the no mess!
- I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not
received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was
compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views
are of my own/Spud's or have been taken from the official press release
in regards to this product unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.
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