Halloween is just 3 days away, and I have discovered the perfect book to read to your little ones this Halloween.
Tamara Small and the Monster's Ball.

We was very sent the newest book by Giles Paley-Phillips, illustrated by Gabriele Antonini and published by Maverick to review during our Halloween feature.

The first thing I noticed about the book was the fabulous illustrations by Gabriele Antonini, a good children's book needs good illustrated picture's to keep the children engaged.

I love poems and anything that rhythms so I loved the fact that every paragraph in the book did rhythm, talking about paragraph's there is just a small one on each page word's are used, I wouldn't actually call it a paragraph I would say a few sentences.

The book starts off sounding scary, with Tamara laying in fear clutching her bear Ted, then Tamara gets 'grabbed' by a monster who takes her to the monster's ball.

It's nothing to worry about though as a few pages on and Tamara is giggling and dancing away with the other monster's at the annual monster's ball.

Above is a photo of the children at the Halloween feature party being read the book by my Dad (Grandad to 3 of them).

Tamara Small and the Monster's Ball is the perfect book to read children this Halloween, if you cant get it in time for Halloween don't worry, this book is perfect for every day reading, Spud is now convinced thanks to this book and Monster's Inc if he ever did come across a monster (which I assure him will never happen) then they will be friendly.
Put your child's mind at ease with monster's or anything else they think will come out at night and get them, a lovely worded book with fabulous illustrated picture's to go with the story.
Tamara Small and the Monster's Ball is available to buy now from Amazon
Until next time,
Jada x
- I was sent this product on the basis to review it, I have not
received a payment for reviewing this product but instead was
compensated as I was aloud to keep the product. All comments and views
are of my own/Spud's or have been taken from the official press release
in regards to this product unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.
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