Halloween is just 9 days away, where little cute monster's all over the world come out in the evening to go Trick'or'Treating or to a Halloween party. Or maybe your hosting a party at home this year, or you may be having a quiet night in with the kiddies, what ever you are doing Asda have something for you all.
From fab decorations to spooky costumes for all, amazing pumpkin carving kits, table wear for your party including straws, plates and cups, table covers, cake stands, spooky treats, a range of false spooky eyelashes, witches broomsticks and vampire teeth Asda have it all!
I do my weekly shop at Asda so I have been checking out the Halloween aisle in my store every Wednesday and I must admit it is fab, they have everything you need in time for Halloween!
At Asda at the moment their pumpkins are on offer: 2 for £2, I have already picked up 2 and will be picking up another 2 on Wednesday, we have so many pumpkin carving sets for review we are going to need lot's of pumpkins!
Asda have a fab range of Halloween costumes for the whole family, we was sent 3 costumes for the 3 oldest boys, here is Spud modelling 2 of them and little big man showing the other one. Their costumes start from just £5!!
We wasn't sent this but my sister in law purchased this for the youngest baby from Asda too. How cute!!
We loved this toilet door cover which you can get from Asda for a £1!! The tape either side is also from Asda, £1 for 3 rolls of Halloween tape.
We loved these hanging decorations that you can pick up for £1 each, we was sent one and we purchased the other, are favourite quote is ''Broom Service Available''.
We loved this battery operated light up pumpkin for £5, the skull goblet for £1.50, the black rose for £1, the 6 pumpkin themed tea light candles are great to go inside pumpkins a pack of 6 for £1 the skull biscuits are £1 for a packet of 2 and taste lovely!
This cake stand was fab to show off our pretty cupcakes HER Cakes made us, a steal for just £3!!
The straws are £1 for a tub, the bats you buy in a packet of 3 I believe for £1.50, they have a fab range of different eyelashes starting from £1, a tub of Halloween shaped gingerbread for £1 (great for your Halloween guest or as a treat for your kiddies).
I purchased 4 of these plastic pumpkins (unfilled) for £1 each from Asda, they were great for unique 'goody bags' or in this case filled pumpkins for our little guest to take home after the party had finished. They don't have a real purpose in my opinion, children can use this when they are Trick'or'Treating for all their yummy treats, or it could be used as a goody jar centrepiece at your Halloween party!
Below are some close ups of what we was sent or what we purchased (apart from the pumpkin cup, this is something I love! I will be buying it for Spud on Wednesday when I do the weekly shop, it's fab for just £1).
The Asda Halloween range starts from just 50p and they really do have everything you need for a fantastic Halloween this year! They not only stock their own Halloween range but they sell Halloween items from Mr Kipling, Cadbury, POM-Bear, Swizzels Matlow, Fabulous Bakin Boys, Calypso, RC Cola, Haribo, Milkybar, Hula Hoops, Smarties and loads more! They also sell the fabulous DVD we was sent for just £6 - Daddy I'm A Zombie (review coming soon!).
At Asda at the moment their pumpkins are on offer: 2 for £2, I have already picked up 2 and will be picking up another 2 on Wednesday, we have so many pumpkin carving sets for review we are going to need lot's of pumpkins!
Asda have a fab range of Halloween costumes for the whole family, we was sent 3 costumes for the 3 oldest boys, here is Spud modelling 2 of them and little big man showing the other one. Their costumes start from just £5!!
We wasn't sent this but my sister in law purchased this for the youngest baby from Asda too. How cute!!
We loved this toilet door cover which you can get from Asda for a £1!! The tape either side is also from Asda, £1 for 3 rolls of Halloween tape.
We loved these hanging decorations that you can pick up for £1 each, we was sent one and we purchased the other, are favourite quote is ''Broom Service Available''.

We loved this battery operated light up pumpkin for £5, the skull goblet for £1.50, the black rose for £1, the 6 pumpkin themed tea light candles are great to go inside pumpkins a pack of 6 for £1 the skull biscuits are £1 for a packet of 2 and taste lovely!

This cake stand was fab to show off our pretty cupcakes HER Cakes made us, a steal for just £3!!
The straws are £1 for a tub, the bats you buy in a packet of 3 I believe for £1.50, they have a fab range of different eyelashes starting from £1, a tub of Halloween shaped gingerbread for £1 (great for your Halloween guest or as a treat for your kiddies).
I purchased 4 of these plastic pumpkins (unfilled) for £1 each from Asda, they were great for unique 'goody bags' or in this case filled pumpkins for our little guest to take home after the party had finished. They don't have a real purpose in my opinion, children can use this when they are Trick'or'Treating for all their yummy treats, or it could be used as a goody jar centrepiece at your Halloween party!
Below are some close ups of what we was sent or what we purchased (apart from the pumpkin cup, this is something I love! I will be buying it for Spud on Wednesday when I do the weekly shop, it's fab for just £1).
The Asda Halloween range starts from just 50p and they really do have everything you need for a fantastic Halloween this year! They not only stock their own Halloween range but they sell Halloween items from Mr Kipling, Cadbury, POM-Bear, Swizzels Matlow, Fabulous Bakin Boys, Calypso, RC Cola, Haribo, Milkybar, Hula Hoops, Smarties and loads more! They also sell the fabulous DVD we was sent for just £6 - Daddy I'm A Zombie (review coming soon!).

All of the above item's (apart from the goodies inside the filled pumpkin) are available from Asda. It was easy really to see that Asda was clearly the favourite at the party, all the guest loved their items including the kiddies!
You can check out their website here, follow them on Twitter here or find them on Facebook here, to find a store near you check out their website!
Until next time,
Disclosure - I was sent these products on the basis to review them, I have not received a payment for reviewing these products but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the products. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.
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