Some of you may have read my post on alternative ways to use cake mould's here and if you did you would of read that I got sent these from Wilkinson. Wilkinson have a fab range of Halloween items not only in store but online too.
Have you read the post about our Halloween party? If not you can read it here, if you have you would of seen the werewolf costume Spud was wearing, this costume was sent to us by Wilkinson along with a ceiling garland, a foil garland, some scary fake scars, a pumpkin carving set and some Halloween cake mould's.
The costume that Spud got sent was fantastic, the mask was really realistic and Spud even scared Grandad by hiding behind the door and jumping out, the costume set is a 3 piece; the mask, the top and trousers. I asked for a size 5-7 for Spud as it was the biggest they done and he loved the costume, as Spud is tall he could of really done with a 6-8 maybe. Wilkinson have a great range of costumes not only for the kiddies but for adults too!
I had enough cake to last us all a few weeks so I decided to use the cake mould for something different, chocolate mould's instead! I made them into cute little party favours by wrapping in some cellophane then decorated with some curling ribbon, you can read the full post here.

Sadly no matter how hard we tried, we couldn't get good pics of the ceiling garland and foil garland, the flash was too much and without there wasn't enough light! We have not got around to using the pumpkin carving set yet, we will be soon though so keep your eyes peeled for our pumpkin carving post!
We wasn't sent these items but I popped into my local Wilkinson and picked up the following items for the older kids goody bags.
The mini packet of pens were 20p each.
The mini packet of pencils were also 20p each.
The bracelet glow sticks were 50p for a packet of 2.
Wilkinson do some of the Swizzel' Matlow Scobby Doo range but not all of it! (We was sent the Scooby Doo items from Swizzels Matlow)
And the individual party bags were 15p each and they had a range of colours, I purchased 2 orange and 2 green to stop the arguing!
The straws were not purchased from Wilkinson!
The straws were not purchased from Wilkinson!
The items below were not sent or purchased but are item's from Wilkinson that I personally love!

With Halloween item's starting from as little as 15p I would suggest you check out your local Wilkinson for all your Halloween needs! Don't worry if you don't have a local store, you can always order from their online site!
Until next time,
Disclosure - I was sent these products on the basis to review them, I have not received a payment for reviewing these products but instead was compensated as I was aloud to keep the products. All comments and views are of my own/Spud's unless other wise stated and was not influenced in any way shape or form.
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