Yep I am slowly getting there, today was the first time in a few years that I've had that many email's I was glued to my computer screen for a good 2 hours just reading emails and hitting the reply button, I did think about writing one email to send back to everyone then adding bits in for personalisation, but after trying it to 3 email's I realised I prefer personalised replies so much better, personalised is so much better to read.
So after getting through all of the email's I checked my phone, a few Blackberry Messenger messages, some Facebook & Twitter notifications and then a text message from 1 of my lovely sisters asking if me & Spud would like to go to the park and McDonald's with her, and her 2 children (2 of my beautiful nephews). I hit the reply button and then I and Spud started getting ready.

We let the kids play for an hour and left for lunch to go to McDonald's around the corner, just as we were leaving the park it started spitting, thankfully we were inside McDonald's before it started coming down really bad. McDonald's is a treat for kids, but gosh don't I despise their toys, take today, for example, the toy Spud and my nephew got with their Happy Meal's was a little figure in an Olympic sailing boat, but would that sail stay on? Nope, instead the cardboard gave way and it was ruined. So you're left with a little plastic toy that really every parent just wants to throw away. Instead, it comes home with you and lives with you until the next big toy clear out.
When arriving home, Spud wanted to play his DS, so I put a load of washing on and set up the laptop, I went straight to my email's well after Swagbucks that is, and was excited to see some of the replies =D. We have Drumond Park Games sending us a game to review, Chocolate by Genevie is sending us some chocolates, Niks Cakes & Chocs are sending us some goodies and I also had 2 emails from 2 big cosmetic brand's so hopefully I will have some luck with them as well.
After 30 minutes Spud got bored of his DS, so we put his Jamie Oliver child's apron on, that I picked up in the Boots Christmas sale for £3 then we sat down to decorate a gingerbread man. That's one thing I don't like - ginger, I could say I hate ginger, but my parent's taught me that hate is a strong word.
Spud loved his little activity, it kept him quiet for 12 minutes, and for 5 plain gingerbread men in the packet, plenty of icing, sugar strands and sugar-coated chocolate candy for a some of £1.70 I was quite impressed myself, I cant tell you about the taste of them though, that's one thing I did leave for Spud, and considering there was only crumb's left, I would say it tasted pretty delicious.
Until next time, Jade x

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