I had a upset household full of Moshling's today because Spud returned back to school after two whole days of bonding with his new toy friends! The chest opened by itself come home time, and all the series 9 Moshling's spiralled out all over the floor, I think they had some help from their furry feline friend!

Day 6 - Bubbly
Bubbly the Rubbery Bubbery

Bubbly is a Rubbery Bubbery, emotional, flexible and vivacious Moshling who is one of the most stretchiest Moshlings ever! Many Moshi experts believe these gentle creatures can stretch their tentacles around the whole world! Bubbly likes Batty Bubblefish and purple sprouting seaweed - me and Spud dislike seaweed, well actually we've never tried it, we don't plan on doing so any time soon! Bubbly dislikes the sound of balloons being rubbed and pebbly beaches! Me and Spud agree on the pebbly beaches, all beaches should be soft and sandy!

Rank: 154
Rarity: Common
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