Along with a whole chest of new Moshlings to join our household, we also have a furry friend who is new too! Poor Moshling from day four very nearly ended up in our feline friend's tummy today! Maybe next time, he should be a little bit more quieter!

Day 4 - Toots
Toots the Boogie-Woogie Bugle

Toots the Boogie-Woogie Bugle is a jazzy, snazzy, jolly moshling who likes jazz club and satchels! Well Spud didn't know what a satchel was, even though Mummy has three that are regularly used! Toots is proving to be a little menace, why you ask? That's because he repeats everything that he hear's! This moshling is like a musical parrot, because unlike parrots who talk back, this musical moshling repeats what he hear's with little toots from his trumpety head! Toots dislikes cigars - me and Spud too, and also dislikes earbuds - me too, ever since the doctor told me nothing smaller than your elbow should ever enter your ears!

Rank: 151
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