We are dawning closer and closer to that final reveal date now, Friday the 14th February, when I reveal a MASSIVE secret, and of course when all Series 9 Moshlings are released in stores nationwide! Who's excited!??

Day 13 - Posy
Posy the Forgetful Fairy

Posy the Forgetful Fairy is a puckish, dreamy and sweet Moshling who tends to flutter around in circles, trying to remember the way home! This little cutie is Spud's second favourite Moshling, maybe it's because she does magic spells and I have been magicking up a new Moshling every day for him since the reveal began! Posy likes brewing nectar and sewing daisy chains - ahh a childhood memory I'll never forget and a childhood memory Spud is yet to create! Posy dislikes glockenspiels, fly swats and her bad memory! Even the simplest things like leaving the bath running is hard for Posy to register!

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