After saying goodbye to our furry friend a few days ago, Spud has been quite upset and missing his pal. Luckily all of his Moshlings has played a big part of turning that frown upside down, especially today's Moshling!

Day 12 - Tessa
Tessa the Shooting Star

Tessa the Shooting Star is a enchanting, dreamy and radiant Moshling who are talked about by space fanatics near and far. Some believe these bright lighting stars, tumbled fell from space! Tessa unfortunately can only communicate by twinkling, does singing the twinkle song work I hear you ask!? That's the first thing Spud tried, Tessa just look on bemused, unclear of what ever noise Spud was making! Tessa likes goopernovas and moon dust, but dislikes space junk and being mistaken for Twistmas decorations! I just hope she doesn't find out what potential plans I had for her then!

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