I love the weekends, I love the little laying's me and Spud have and I love the fact we don't have to walk to the school early in the cold morning, instead we get to stay in bed till a decent time, nice and warm whilst the heating heats the home up! Today I never got my lay in, the party at the Moshling Mall ended so late - like 2-3am late they woke up all the Moshling birds, the treehouse branches have never looked so tired, maybe it's a secret mirror because that's exactly how I am after a night full of non sleep!

Day 11 - Chirpy
Chirpy the Chipper Chaffinch

Chirpy the Chipper Chaffinch is a jaunty, optimistic but overly cute little Moshling birdy who is always pecking away at trees! This cute little Chipper Chaffinch is always tapping away, leaving messages to other birdy friends in Mosh Code! Chirby can be found in cute brightly painted bird boxes and high up in Moshling
trees! Chirpy likes knocking on wood and flying south - to come and see his friend Spud who he met at the Moshi Mall! Chirpy dislikes jet engines & eleven secret herbs and spices, Spud did try to leave a Mosh Code to him and ask what ones, but we got no reply! Maybe we need to learn this Mosh Code ourselves, instead of relying on the Moshi translator!
trees! Chirpy likes knocking on wood and flying south - to come and see his friend Spud who he met at the Moshi Mall! Chirpy dislikes jet engines & eleven secret herbs and spices, Spud did try to leave a Mosh Code to him and ask what ones, but we got no reply! Maybe we need to learn this Mosh Code ourselves, instead of relying on the Moshi translator!

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