Today whilst Spud was at school, I popped into town and visited a travel agent, I picked up lots of brochures for me and Spud to crawl through over the weekend, hopefully we will find our next holiday destination in one of them! Me and Spud love everything about holidays, but especially beaches! We can spend hours on a beach, building sandcastles, burying treasure and last but not least - collecting lots of sea shells!

Day 10 - Shimmy
Shimmy the Selfish Shellfish

Shimmy is a petty, puerile and rash Selfish Shellfish who get's both me and Spud in a hysterical tongue tie! We competed in a new Moshling game where we both had to say Selfish Shellfish over and over but really fast, neither of us won! We spent so much time laughing at the way our tongues wagged out we gave up even trying to say Selfish Shellfish slowly! Shimmy likes lip balm and valley mermaids - you check both boxes for me and Spud! Shimmy dislikes bottom feeders and lemon pips - Spud dislikes any sort of lemon including lemon flavour!

Rank: 162
Rarity: Common
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