Long before Moshi Monsters first appeared on Unique Young Mum, Spud was fully aware of their presence in the child world and how popular they are. Every day on our way back from school he would ask if he could buy a packet of Moshi cards and so his Moshi love grew. We was given the fantastic opportunity to be one of the eight bloggers to do do the Series 8 Moshi Monster countdown which many of you followed and since then Spud was a full on Moshi fan swapping his pocket money for Moshi Monster figures.

When Vivid Imaginations gave Spud the opportunity to review the Moshie Mall I kept it a surprise from Spud as around the time I received the offer, Spud had a big appointment at the hospital and was upset of the news we received. Arriving home from school one day, I pointed Spud in the direction of the front room where under a blanket laid a big box, I told Spud to close his eyes whilst I pulled the blanket off the surprise and could only smile in happiness at his response. Spud instantly wanted to open the box straight away, so after changing out of his uniform, the mall was ready to enter the world of Spud.

The Moshi Mall is a dream playset for any Moshi fan (there are millions world wide) and the ultimate shopping experience for Moshi's worldwide, complete with a disco that the Moshi's can show off their dance skills in. The mall is complete with a lift in the shape of a basket, a spa, stairs that turn into a slide, a gross-ery store with a real sounding till, a playzone, and a light up, musical disco.

The large box contains all you need to put the modestly large mall together, two exclusive Moshlings, a sticker sheet to decorate the mall, a secret code for 1000 rox, a limited edition Moshling online and more in game items and of course some instructions which contain 3 exclusive valuable codes. The mall took less than 10 minutes to put together and most of that time was me applying the stickers with perfection!

Without the box, you would think this was just a basic, fun looking play set for a Moshi fan and their Moshlings, never judge a book by a cover for this playset magically comes to life with plenty of great sounds and effects (one that even baffles me every time I see it!) which leaves a Moshi fan happy for many spare hours!
The Mall boost a spinning basket lift, rotating shop shelves that are viewable by a little turnable disc at the side of the Gross-ery store stand, a light up moveable disco ball, a fun playzone to show off your models along with sounds, a light up sound spa and a magical staircase that easily turns into a slide!

The two exclusive figures that come with the set is Jeepers who is a spa addict, found with plenty of soap bubbles around his face checking himself out in the magical mirror. Blingo is a music fan that knows his stuff, Blingo likes to spend most of his time impressing his Moshling friends in the Underground Disco.
Two AA batteries are required for the full effect of the playset to work (such as the lights and sounds). All four stations of the mall play a variety of sounds that can last from a split second to a just a few seconds long which is great for us parents as many of us know constantly noisy toys can be irritating. The two parts of the mall that does not make any sound is the twist-able basket lift and the staircase/slide.

The twist-able basket lift can safely hold one Moshling and can either take them up or down to selected levels. The basket is more harder to get to the top, but once there it easily swirls back down to the ground. The staircase/slide switches between steps to a smooth surface with a tiny plastic switch on the side of the platform.

Head on over to the spa and you will find a little shower room that turns around when you turn the handle beside it, unfortunately the handle was the only negative thing for both myself and Spud as it kept falling down and didn't hold in place much.

In the spa, you can find Jeepers washing himself whilst being a vein Moshling staring at his reflection in the mirror. However if you turn the shower you will hear a sound and magically the mirror is hidden and in its place is a lit up image of a clean Jeepers. This clever and magical trick, not only amazes Spud but his mummy too!

Located on the right hand side of the top floor is the Playzone where Moshlings can meet up, chat, giggle, relax, model, sleep, eat, sing and loads more, it's a playzone and in true playzone style, the Moshitunities are endless! Press down on the playzone sign to hear whacky various Moshling sounds and phrases, including a whistle.

Found in the bottom left of the mall is the Gross-ery store where Moshlings can purchase their favourite snacks and drinks. The gross-ery store stand has a number of shelves that can not all be displayed, turn the handle at the side of the shelving unit to go up and down to view the full contents of the display.

Moshlings will then head on over to the cash register where their purchases will be put through the checkout process, press down on the top of the till to hear sounds and phrases including a till opening sound.

Last but not least is the Underground Disco, this is Blingo's favourite place along with many other Moshlings! Stand Blingo (or any other Moshlings you may have) in the middle of the dance floor and turn the circle to hear a old style record scratching sound, its the secret dj about to start the music!

Watch as the disco ball lights up between shades of green and red to give the Moshlings a real disco experience, rounds of applause, music and other sounds can be heard in the Underground Disco.

Priced at £49.99 the playset is modestly large with real attention to detail being put into the playset. You can find background drops printed onto each four area's of the mall that neatly tie into the design of that designated area - for example a Moshling bouncer can be found at the Underground Disco and water splashes can be found in the spa area.

The Moshi Mall is perfect for any Moshi Monster fan from the ages of 3 upwards and is available to buy from Tesco, Amazon, Smyths Toys, Argos, Toys R Us, Boots, Asda and many more stockists.
To find out more about Vivid Imaginations and to view just some of their other products check out the official website here.
Until next time,
Jada x
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